Monday 23 September 2013

Saluting the true superheros in our society

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Have you thrown your tantrum when you can't hear what aging parents were saying? How about being pissed with being blocked by a standing music fan in a concert?

What if one day you wake up from your sleep, your world turned into a state of pitch-darkness? What if you had involved in an accident and lost your limbs? (choi, touch wood). Would you blame the whole world about your calamity? Or will you do something about it and be an inspiration to others?

I was watching a documentary show about the disabled in Singapore and it had once again touched me deeply. 

Somethings we had been taking for granted day in day out may not be easily accessed by a minority of the population in this part of the world.

Yes, today's post will be about our superheros in our society - The physically disabled group.

What touches me most are probably the determination behind these group of superheros.

Take a local inspiration, Dr Yeo Sze Ling, as an example. She contracted glaucoma when she was only 4. Her nerves were damaged and as a result, she had lost most of her sight.

Not giving up in life, she studied even harder and was given a scholarship from National University of Singapore(NUS). She went on to graduate from NUS with excellent results. She proceeded to take her Master and eventually got her PHD that was funded by A*STAR graduate scholarship.

So where is she now? She is currently working as a researcher at A*STAR. 

Wow, what an extreme success that is! She had done what most of us could not achieved. As such, she was named in the National Day Rally by our Prime Minister. She is indeed a superhero in her own ways. She had conquered her disability and also did the impossible. 

All those would not have been a success if not for her hard-work and determination. So, for the rest of the students reading this blog, there is no shortcut to success, hence start working hard.

The next hero that I will be introducing is no stranger to you. He is Nick Vujicic. You may not have listened to his inspiring talks, but I am sure you have heard this name or maybe have browsed through his book, "life without limits"

I had the privilege of attending one of his talks and i was greatly moved by him. Unlike Dr Yeo, Nick was born without any limbs. The only limb he has is his little leg which has 2 toes. He introduced his left leg as the "drumstick". Mind you, his "drumstick" is fast as lightning. There was this part where he invited someone up the stage and challenged him to answer some questions. The catch is, the person who buzzes in 1st will have the 1st say. To our surprise, he had aced every single questions by buzzing in 1st. He went on to give encouragement to the guy, saying it's not because he is slow, just that he had the opportunity to practice for a longer time.   

He went on to talk about his life experience which left the audience with buckets of tears. He mentioned that there was a period of time that his peers were making fun of him, he wasn't angry with them, as he understood they needed more help than him. That's true, i wonder if his peers made it big and as famous as him now? 

Not too long ago, Nick was happily married and his wife gave birth to a healthy son. 

When he 1st posted his photo of his son, many crude comments rushed into his facebook page. However the majority of the netizen uphold justice and the critics left shortly. 

I have learnt much from him. It's not about what you don't have that you need to worry about, but not using what you already have. God is fair, he gave everyone equal talents and gifts. What you doesn't practice will eventually be taken away from you. 

You may think you are already quite perfect, lacking nothing, that's good. However, can you do more for the society today? 

In my previous few posts on individuals in the featured section of my shared blog, they have a common goal. That is to be bringing an impact to the people around them. 

Everyone of us does have some stories to tell. Some is happy, some is sad. Let us turn whatever that is negative and turn it into a positive. 

Even when bad things happen to good people, you can be assured it is for a good reason in the end.

With that, I am signing off now.

Have a great week ahead. 

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